Shelter Island Cabin

The Smith-Taylor Cabin, bequeathed to the Town of Shelter Island with the condition that it remains for “the use and enjoyment of the general public,” faced years of neglect and became a potential fire hazard, leading to plans for its demolition. However, thanks to the dedicated efforts of the Taylor’s Island Foundation and the Preservation and Management Committee, the cabin and its additions were preserved, eventually earning a place on the New York State and National Registers of Historic Places.

Our team conducted a thorough forensic investigation and evaluation for the cabin’s historic restoration. This process included a detailed survey of the entire structure, from the rubble foundation to the weathervane, documenting areas of deterioration, and developing a prioritized plan for historically appropriate repairs in line with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. Key restoration elements focused on repairing the roof, chimney, and the tower’s wraparound balcony, as well as addressing damage to the northeastern corner of the original log walls.

  • Location:

    Shelter Island, NY

  • Client:

    Andre Tchelistcheff